
Group highlights

At the end of this page, you can find the full list of publications.

Algebraic coherent confluence and higher-dimensional globular Kleene algebras

We introduce higher globular Kleene algebras and prove coherent, formal versions of classic rewriting results.

C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos, G Struth

Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 18, Issue 4 (2022)

Abstract strategies and coherence

We formalise the notion of normalisation strategy, from abstract rewriting, in the formal algebraic setting of higher Kleene algebra. This leads to a succinct algebraic proof of the Squier coherence theorem for abstract rewriting systems.

C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos

RAMICS 2021, LNCS proceedings volume 13027 (2021)

lr-Multisemigroups, modal quantales end the origin of locality

We generalise the notion of small category as a set equipped with multi-operations, and link these to modal quantales, in particular exploring the locality axiom for the domain operator.

C Calk, U Fahrenberg, C Johansen, G Struth, K Ziemanski

RAMICS 2021, LNCS proceedings volume 13027 (2021)

Time-reversal homotopical properties of concurrent systems

By equipping natural homotopy with a composition pairing, a notion due to T Porter, we show that time-reversal is captured by categorical opposition.

C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos

Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Volume 22 Number 2 (2020)


Full List of publications

Higher Catoids, Higher Quantales and their Correspondences
C Calk, P Malbos, D Pous, G Struth
arXiv:2307.09253 (2023).

Persistent homology of directed spaces
C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos
arXiv:2305.03357 (2023).

Algebraic and topological models of directed systems : Exploring dimensions of calculation via algebraic, categorical and homotopical approaches
C Calk
Local copy of my PhD manuscript (defended 10/11/22).

Algebraic coherent confluence and higher-dimensional globular Kleene algebras
C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos, G Struth
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 18, Issue 4 (2022)

Abstract strategies and coherence
C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos
RAMICS 2021, LNCS proceedings volume 13027 (2021)

lr-Multisemigroups, modal quantales end the origin of locality
C Calk, U Fahrenberg, C Johansen, G Struth, K Ziemanski
RAMICS 2021, LNCS proceedings volume 13027 (2021)

Time-reversal homotopical properties of concurrent systems
C Calk, E Goubault, P Malbos
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Volume 22 Number 2 (2020)

Beyond formulas-as-cographs: an extension of Boolean logic to arbitrary graphs
C Calk, A Das, T Waring
arXiv:2004.12941 (2020)